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Monday, August 24, 2009

Ezine Reading A Must for Success

Anyone that spends any time on-line will quickly learn the

importance of publishing your own ezine. I do not remember

one Gurus information reports that I have read that did

not suggest that you create your own ezine to aid in

building an on-line business.

What I do no believe I have ever read anything about though

is the importance of reading these Ezines!

With the Ezines that I subscribe to that publish daily or

more then once a week, I probably get 150 plus Ezines a week.

And I read every one of them.

I will admit that this is a very time consuming task especially

on Fridays when many weekly Ezines go out. As some of your know

I work full-time at home now and spend an average of 80-100

hours a week on building my on-line businesses.

I could probably cut out well over 15 hours a week if I just

unsubscribed to all these Ezines, or just deleted them all.

Why would anyone spend that amount of time reading Ezines

each week? The list is almost endless!

First, I have to be honest and say that I am afraid I am

going to miss something if I do not take time to read these.

Most Ezines are more then just a bunch of ads. To me, they

are my newspapers for on-line life.

From some of these I build personal relationships. I am kept

updated on the struggles one publisher is having with their

health and trying to keep all the work caught up. Another

shares the vacation highlights that they took. So why

should you care about who is sick or who went where?

If you work full-time at home, it can be a very isolated life.

I will admit this is part of the appeal for me. I also know

that I can not lose touch with the fact that people out there

are real. They have pains and trials, good times and bad,

and they take vacations. They are human and they are what

I want my on-line life to be about.

By reading about what is going on with other publishers, I

am reminded that I will have tough times, and that I can make

it through them. I am reminded that I am not alone in spirit

even though I work alone. And I am reminded to get off the

computer and have some fun occasionally, like taking a much

needed vacation.

The next thing I gain from reading all these Ezines is

knowledge, plain and simple. No one ever knows it all no

matter how long you might have been doing something. By

reading other publishers, I find knowledge that I can put

to use, and information I want to share with you. The useful

resources I find in all these Ezines are endless.

I also get ideas on how to improve my ezine. If there is

an ezine I particularly like, I look at why and see how I

can incorporate that positive into The-Net-Review. I find

ideas on how to grow this ezine so that my readers get

more benefit from their advertising.

Even the few Ezines that are not my favorites tell me

what I dont want to do like make The-Net-Review nothing

but an advertisement medium for me and my interests.

One of the biggest benefits I get from reading all these

Ezines comes from advertising opportunities. I place every

free ad I am offered. I enter every contest for chances

for free classifieds or solos. I send out my articles to

other Ezines for the writing experience and the free publicity.

Granted, classified advertising does not work as well as

solo ads do, but they do work. Take advantage of every

free advertising opportunity you can find until you can

afford a bigger advertising budget.

I also learn from reading others ads. If I am seeing

advertisements for a business opportunity in virtually

every ezine I read, I know that I should check it out.

You can often times end up much higher in a matrix for

a hot business opportunity because you saw the growth

before someone that doesnt bother with Ezines.

As I said at the start, the benefits that come from

reading Ezines can be endless. When you are trying to

figure out what to start on next, or get motivated to

even start, pull up an ezine. Spend a while reminding

yourself what you are trying to build, to accomplish.

Relax for a while then get back to work.

I understand how precious at-home work time can be if

you are also working full-time outside the home.

I firmly believe the time we put into reading Ezines

pays off tenfold. If you need to, print out some and

read them on your work breaks or lunch. I print off

e-books and read them while my daughter and I watch a

show together. She really doesnt care if I see the show,

she just wants me off the computer and close to her for


Only you can decided if the time sacrifices that

reading a bunch of Ezines may take pays off for you.

But you wont know the benefits you are missing until

you spend the time seeing what you are missing.

There is a principle which is a bar against all

information, which is proof against all arguments

and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting

ignorance that principle is contempt prior to

investigation. Herbert Spencer


Could your small business use a boost without breaking the bank?
Well, contrary to popular belief, you don't have to spend a lot
of money to get decent results.

Even in this day and age, you still see occasional ads and fliers
on your front porch, windshield, tucked under your door, or in
your mailbox. Why? It's simple: because they work!

Especially during summer months, when people are out and about,
working in the yard or taking walks through the neighborhood,
distributing fliers can be a very effective way to market your
small business.

You might be thinking that most of these fliers will eventually
end up in the trash can. That may be true, but before you
dismiss fliers as a marketing tool, think about what you do with
a flier BEFORE you throw it away. Don't you at least look at it
first to see what it is? Better yet, do you keep it around to
use as scratch paper? Anything that will get your flier inside
the house will help you get your foot in the door.

Now, if you're concerned about littering, try attaching rubber
bands to your fliers and hanging them around doorknobs instead of
laying them on porches. This will ensure that your flier is
seen, plus keep them from blowing around the street. If you want
your fliers to be more environmentally friendly, try printing
them on recycled paper and including a note at the bottom to
remind your prospects to recycle. If you want to take it a step
further, give them a date when you'll be driving through their
neighborhood with a truck, picking up things to take to the
nearest recycling plant. You'll not only help clean up the
neighborhood and our environment, but you'll also get a chance to
be seen (with your logo on your truck) and even talk to people

Now let's discuss the nuts and bolts of putting your flier
together. First and most obvious, make copies of your flier on
brightly-colored paper. This will make them visible and more
likely to be picked up.

When writing your flier, keep in mind that you're not writing the
great American novel. Keep your fliers to a half-sheet, allowing
you to save a lot of money and a lot of paper. The type should
be bold and large, in an easy-to-read font so it takes very
little time to read.

All your flier really needs is a snappy headline, a bulleted list
of the benefits of your product or service, and a phone number
with your business name. The headline will grab their attention,
the list will quickly state what you can do for them, and your
phone number, well, that's obvious, isn't it?

In short, a responsible flier campaign is a simple, down-to-
earth, effective way to get the word out. Best of all, they're
nearly FREE!

Meredith Pond is editor and manager of DrNunley's See her low-cost writing and editing
services for students and business people. Reach Meredith at or 801-328-9006.



By: Berwyn J. Kemp

Do you supply products and services to commercial customers and are unable to secure traditional bank financing? If so, do you very often have to wait 30 to 90 days or longer for your customers to pay your invoices? Which often leaves you short of the capital you need to effectively operate and build your business.

If you answered yes to both of these questions. Then there could be a source of business funding that could work for your business. That source of funding is the factoring of your accounts receivable invoices. Which could very well give you the capital you need to more effectively operate, expand, and grow. Because youll no longer have to wait for your customers to pay your invoices.

Whats more, the factoring of your accounts receivable invoices is much easier source of financing to access that traditional commercial bank financing. Because the factor doesnt look at the credit rating of your business, nor do they look at your personal credit rating. Both of which can be a problem particularly for new businesses. And other kinds of Businesses that dont meet the very conservative standards of most commercial banks. Instead factors base their decision to factor or not to factor your invoices on the credit of your customers.

Therefore, if you supply products and services to commercial customers who have good credit ratings, such as, government agencies, well established commercial firms, hospitals, universities, insurance companies, etc.. Then you can more than likely qualify for accounts receivable factoring.

In addition, as a rule, factors dont require long term contracts as in more traditional kinds of lending, nor do they ever audit your books. For these reasons and more, this makes obtaining an accounts receivable factoring loan a relatively quick, simple, and easy process, to give you the business funds that you need.

What the factor basically does is advance you between 70% to 80% of the value of your commercial invoices. The factor then collects the invoices directly from your customer. Once the factor collects on the invoices they subtract their fee, and then sends you the balance of the invoice amount. What will factoring cost you? Well, factoring fees start at about 4% for invoices collected within 30 days goes up to about 15% for invoices collected in 120 days or so. Thus, the fee depends on when the factor actually collects the invoice.

There are some business people who wrongly believe that factoring makes them appear financially unsound to their customers. If this is what you believe it is simply not true. Today many modern firms are factoring their accounts receivables. As a way to get the capital they need to effectively operate and build their profits faster. In fact, many commercial banks are actively referring they cant finance to factors. In addition, a number of major commercial banks have actually opened factoring divisions.

While factoring is not right for every business, it could be right for your business as a source of business funds that works for you. Particularly if your business is new, or you are unable to tap traditional commercial bank financing. Then factoring could very well be the answer to your business funding needs.

6 Ways to Fund Business Growth

Finding Funds to Grow Your Business

Finding capital to build your business is not an easy venture. You have to know how much financing, partnering and consulting you can afford. Many small businesses have gone under simply because they did not account for unforeseen expenses when expanding. Adding to the challenge of staying afloat while growing the business is changing business policy, taxes, the state of the economy and market fluctuations. How can you play it safe and expand at the same time? Some believe its just not possible. That business comes with risks. True there is a measure of risk in every venture, but playing it safe pays rich rewards in the long term.

For example, the collapse of the stock market two years ago wiped out billions of dollars from investment and retirement portfolios., a loan refinancing resources for homeowners, small businesses and students, notes that many users have been trying to recoup this loss in the form of savings brought about by recent low interest rates. Mortgage refinancing has been a key source of consumer income.

Businesses seeking ways to expand would do well to consider taking advantage of the situation. How? Before considering additional venture capital by partnering with investors consider the following preliminary fund acquisition methods available to you.

1.Streamline by removing all unneeded middlemen.
2.Reduce consulting fees by consolidating consulting sources.
3.Shop smart. Reduce costs for office products and services by shopping for lower pricing and services. Buy bulk items on sale rather than paying a vendor on a monthly basis. Use funds saved to pay for sales and marketing campaigns.
4.Recoup stock market losses by refinancing loans.
5.Reducing debt load after refinancing into programs with lower interest rates. Use funds saved to pay down loans.
6.If you pay real estate financing, leverage equity value by taking larger loan balances than the original amount. Use these funds to grow your business.

Though finding funds to grow your business is a challenging venture that comes with its own share of risks, you can reduce risk by simplifying, cutting out needless middlemen refinancing to reduce costs, recoup losses and reduce debt by paying down your loan.
The significant savings will not only help your business stay afloat but also provide funds for growing your business as needed.

Anti-Terrorism Business

Why do terrorists hate us so much that they are willing, even eager, to die while inflicting upon us tremendous strife and devastation? Many are asking this question. Most answers I hear are related to religion, ethnicity and perceived victimization.

All these, no doubt, play a role. But I believe that the main cause of terrorism is resentment. Most terrorists come from extremely poor countries. They see how we in rich countries live, and are resentful. Resentment turns into frustration and eventually despair. A despairing person is easy prey to radical fanatics.

If resentment is the cause, reducing resentment should decrease the number of terrorists and thus help win the fight against terrorism. How do we do this? We need a multi-prong strategy. But for people in business, the answer is: By building an anti-terrorism economy featuring anti-terrorism businesses. What will anti-terrorism businesses be like? They will enshrine the concept of helpfulness and apply it in a big way to individuals and companies in the poor countries of the world. This is not idealism. This is a practical way for business people to fight terrorism while at the same time strengthening their own bottom line.

Resentment Breeds Terrorism

In the free world we have the richest countries in the world. Their peoples have mastered the arts and the sciences. They have developed sophisticated technologies, products, systems and services that fuel their vibrant economies. They have produced millionaires and billionaires. They live in big houses and have a plethora of gadgets to reduce drudgery, keep them mobile, and supply entertainment. Life is good!

In contrast, people in poor countries, are not too gainfully employed, live in thatched or mud huts (if they have a home at all), don't have enough money to buy food, and are subject to floods, disease, AIDS, and brutal neighbors. Life is fiendish.

The rich countries have perhaps 15% of the Earth's population. Yet they produce 88% of the users of the Internet. Many of the remaining 85% of the people in the world have never used a telephone.

Religion is not the primary cause of terrorism. Poor, frustrated people turn to religion for solace. However, there is a limit to the amount of solace they may get if they have nothing to eat. So they become radicals. They become terrorists. What do they have to lose? They become martyrs.

How to Reduce Resentment

There will always be some resentment of rich and powerful people and of rich and powerful nations. But the amount and intensity of resentment may be reduced greatly if poor people and countries become more prosperous.

Yes, rich countries have established the IMF and the World Bank to help the poor countries. But every time these financial institutions offer a loan it comes with such tough conditions that rarely can a country abide by them and still grow its economy.

The trouble with these financial institutions is that they are based on the principle:

> The rich should help the poor

The implication is that the rich know best what to do and how to do it. They feel superior because they are helping these inferior people. For poor countries to be made more prosperous we must use the following principle:

> The rich should enable the poor to help themselves

Instead of making plans, allow them to make their own plans. Instead of teaching them how to do things, set up an environment that enables them to learn. Instead of selling them sophisticated technology, help them develop their own technology.

Anti-Terrorism Economy

Build a world economy that fights terrorism by making the economy as inclusive as possible, thus enabling poor countries to grow and prosper. This will produce more optimistic people, people less eager to become terrorists and martyrs.

Take a look at our recent economies;

1 - INDUSTRIAL ECONOMY - We had an industrial economy only in rich countries. Poor countries were used primarily to obtain raw materials for use in industrial products for the rich. Colonialism subjugated and impoverished poor countries further.

2 - NEW ECONOMY - Some called it the Information Economy. I called it the Learning Economy. But again, primarily the rich were part of this economy. Poor countries, who were hungering for information and learning, did not have the wherewithal to participate.

The main focus of companies has been on serving the rich market. The reasoning has been: Rich people have money to spend, so let us dream up gadgets and services to sell them. They forget, however, that poor countries represent a vast untapped market.

Globalization has been touted as a boon to all. But in practice, Globalization has meant the ascendance of multi-national corporations, not the growth of many small companies in all countries.

So I think we should start building an

3 - ANTI-TERRORISM ECONOMY - The purpose of this economy should be to replace terrorism candidates with peace candidates, illiterates with doctorates, and starving nations with booming nations. This can be done by infusing our efforts toward Globalization with the spirit of helpfulness:

> Globalization with a Local Face

Anti-Terrorism Business

An anti-terrorism business markets to the world, not merely to rich countries. It does its marketing by following the 3 principles of Helpfulness Marketing:

1 - LEARNING - Help poor countries learn. They need to learn about agriculture, small business, and about AIDS. We talk a great deal about distance learning. Why not go the distance to poor countries?

2 - COOPERATION - Help them build their infrastructure, so they may use the Internet. Leap frog their telephone systems to wireless technology. The poor need wireless for fundamental learning tasks, not for talking to their refrigerators, as the rich are planning to do.

3 - COMMUNITY - Make the poor part of your community. Form alliances and partnerships. Work together on common projects.

Anti-Terrorism Business Examples

Examples of anti-terrorism businesses do exist. Here are 3:

1 - NOVICA - - This company travels all over the world in search of local crafts: ceramics, jewelry, paintings, clothing, games, sculptures, music, dolls, basketry, lacquerware, etc. Beautiful items from developing countries are offered for sale. Novica makes a fair profit and so do poor artisans.

2 - RAINTREE - - Raintree works in partnership with indigenous Amazon tribes to develop sustainable resources to advance their income as well as the income of Raintree. According to Raintree, the following statistics show the gain:

Raising Cattle $ 60/acre

Timber $ 240/acre

Sustainable Resources $2400/acre

The sustainable resources they work on are medicinal plants, from which Raintree obtains all sorts of pharmacological products. Raintree is stopping the destruction of rainforests, increasing the income of indigenous people, and making a good profit!

3 - WORLD E-INCLUSION - - Hewlett-Packard is investing a billion dollars to search for "local knowledge" and "creative genius" all over the poor areas of the world. The company wants to help the developing countries develop. It says it will choose projects based on the needs of local people, develop them in partnership with local people, and offer sustainability and fair value. HP plans to do well by doing good.

It is instructive to quote Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP, with regard to the World E-Inclusion program:

"HP has always believed that we can do well economically and do good socially at the same time. In other words, invent for the common good. We believe World e-Inclusion is a great example.

As part of a long-term HP effort to find new revenues one, three, five and ten years down the line, World e-Inclusion targets the 4 billion people that are seldom, if ever, served by traditional information technology companies. By providing people with the social and economic opportunities of the new information economy, World e-Inclusion is setting the stage for tremendous growth, both for HP and for developing countries."

Hooray for HP! It is a model for the rest of us.


Fight terrorism by reducing the number of poor people that fuel terrorism. Reduce resentment and despair by building an anti-terrorism economy consisting of anti-terrorism businesses like HP, that aim to use the principles of Helpfulness Marketing - LEARNING, COOPERATION and COMMUNITY - to bring prosperity to the poor as well as to themselves.

Paul -the soarING- Siegel is a provocative Internet speaker and author of HELPFULNESS MARKETNG, an ebook stressing learning, cooperation and community. Learn about it at Subscribe to newsletter, LearningFOUNT, by sending blank email to:


I have processed about five thousand job applicants in the last two years (that's about 7 per day) and I gotta tell you this - most of them stink !

Not literally of course - but when it comes to methods of stupidly & unnecessarily blowing a "no-brainer" interview process to get selected for a "no-brainer" job, then my cleaning agency has just about seen them all !

I really didn't think we were asking too much. Applicants needed to be able to do housework. They needed a car & a license to drive it. They needed to read, write & speak English. Okay, they also needed a resume, but it didn't have to be full of spectacular cleaning-related careers - any kind of checkable work history was fine.

Likewise, the application procedure was also (we believed) not too demanding. The applicant telephones us. We have a chat to them about the job requirements and ask them if they fit the above qualifications. We ask them to make copies of their resume & references and then we schedule them for an interview in about 3 - 6 days. We interview them for about 40 minutes (though about 30 minutes of that is us doing the talking - a fierce interrogation it ain't). Within a day or two we start giving them cleaning jobs. Fairly simple, we thought.

Unfortunately for my agency's collective sanity, most of the job applicant population saw it differently.

To start with the most basic of errors we encountered, quite a number of people making the initial phone call didn't have a driver's licence, despite our job advertisements clearly stating this requirement. Or if they did have a licence, they didn't have a car. Or if they did have a car, it wasn't actually theirs and they have to share it with several other people. Or if they did actually own the car, it was broken down & was undergoing lengthy and extensive repairs.

Still, this major obstacle was attacked with determination by almost all car-less applicants. It usually went something along the lines of "But my husband can drive me" or "I can take public transport" or "I can ride my bicycle".
What a revelation ! Now why didn't WE think of that ? These applicants are sitting there thinking "This employer has only paid out good money to insert 'CAR & LICENSE ESSENTIAL' in huge letters in the job advertisement because I was not around at the time to point out other possibilities"

Hint for jobseekers (1) - If a job advertisement specifies a requirement, and you do not have that requirement, DON'T bother applying for that job, EVEN IF you think you have an alternative that the employer hasn't thought of yet. It's a bit like a prospective surgeon saying that he's hopeless with a scalpel, but is VERY handy with a butter-knife. ****
Still at the initial phone-call stage, another fundamental error is not allowing the employer to do his spiel. You are not the only person ringing up about the position. You are more likely to be the 75th person, so please assume that the employer has his routine all worked out. He does NOT need prompting to fill you in on all the details - he knows what you need to know and he will tell you in his own good time.

The correct time to ask questions is when he finishes explaining what the job is about & what the application procedure is and when he finishes asking YOU questions.

Hint for jobseekers (2) - Let the employer talk. Do not interrupt. Taking over a conversation and putting your potential boss on the back foot is not going make a good impression.
Okay, so about 25% of people make it through the gruelling 2 minute phone interview and are then scheduled for a "real" interview.

To deal with the simplest situation first, approximately 50% to 80% of these applicants do not show up at the appointed time and are never heard from again. While it's annoying, and as employer I never really get used to the fact that people go to a lot of trouble to apply for jobs they don't actually want, at least that person is out of the way and we can concentrate instead on the serious people.

But it's not that simple. There are a number of variations on the "not showing up" trick that conspire to further annoy & waste the valuable time of the prospective employer.

For example, those people who have had 5 days notice of the interview, but neglect to look up the actual location of the interview until they are hopelessly lost in a neighboring suburb with only 2 minutes to go. They ring up from a phone box asking for directions. They invariably arrive at the interview flustered & late.

Hint for jobseekers (3) - Make sure you know exactly where the interview is being held. If you don't know, do a practise run the day before. ****
Even worse than the people who get lost (who at least deserve a tiny amount of sympathy) are those who turn up 20 - 40 minutes late for no apparent good reason. "Oh hi, I'm here for the interview" "Which interview, the 3 o'clock or the 4 o'clock ?" "The 3 o'clock. I'm a bit late"

This type of applicant doesn't see a problem with being late, probably because it's not a problem for THEM. However an applicant needs to understand that businesses are constantly running to deadlines, and punctuality is vital. If we sit around waiting for a late applicant and start an interview later than planned, it means the NEXT interview is going to be delayed and, more importantly, whatever I had planned for AFTER the interviews is going to be delayed, and possibly even postponed until the next day.

Hint for jobseekers (4). Time is money. Don't be late for an interview. No matter how dazzling you may be in the interview, the main thing the employer will remember the next day is that you were late, and therefore probably unreliable.
Then there are what we term the "serial-applicants". These people are constantly applying for jobs over an extended period of time, to the extent that they actually apply to us more than once, perhaps several months apart.

Here at the agency, we sometimes collectively shake our heads at the nerve of these people who fail to show up for a scheduled interview, and then a couple of months later apply again, expecting us to welcome them with open arms.

Hint for jobseekers (5) - If you apply for a job and don't get it, don't apply for exactly the same job later on. They don't want you. ****
So let's suppose an applicant makes it through the complicated business of turning up on time.

Question - What else could go wrong or annoy the employer before the interview actually begins ?

Answer - A couple of things that happen more often than you might expect. Applicants turning up with one or more relatives expecting to also participate in the interview are a classic.

Hint for jobseekers (6) - If you are not brave enough to face an interview by yourself, employers will not respect you. The WORST thing to do is bring your mother. This basically proves that you should be back in school. ****
IF YOU ARE A SPECIAL CASE, SAY SOMETHING One other thing on a rather more touchy subject are the problems associated with scheduling Islamic ladies for interviews. Arriving fully-masked except for their eyes, their religion does not permit them to be alone in a room with a man. But of course they only tell me this AFTER THEY ARRIVE. So if my (female) business partner is not available at short-notice to take over the interview, then we have no choice but to send the lady home. Her time is wasted and so is ours.

And it's not quite as simple as just asking someone on the phone what religion they are. There are different degrees of Islam, and many such ladies do not have a problem with showing their face or being alone in a room with someone who happens to be a man.

Of course, there's also the legal aspect. Businesses these days must be VERY careful about exposing themselves to the threat of court action from an irate applicant. If we asked someone what their religion was, and then later on did not give that person a job for whatever reason, there is nothing to stop that person getting up in court & proclaiming that we rejected them solely due to religious discrimination. So we don't ask.

And for similar legal reasons, when any regular applicant asks us why they haven't been given any work, we do not give them any ammunition that could later be used against us in court. Instead of saying the truth like, "We think your phone manner is awful and university students are usually completely hopeless at housework anyway", we would say something safe like, "We had 87 people applying for only 2 positions, so unfortunately someone had to miss out. I'm so sorry. I can give you the number of another agency who may be able to help ..."

Hint for jobseekers (7) - If you have religious or moral objections to any aspect of a normal job interview process, tell the employer on the phone beforehand. Don't just spring it on them when you arrive. ****
DON'T INVENT QUALIFICATIONS So the applicant is finally through the door and getting comfortable in our big lounge-type interview chairs.

Some people don't even get through the first minute and here's why - they don't possess the documentation or qualifications that they said they had on the phone. For example "To start, could I just have your driver's license please ?"
"I don't have my license" "But I asked you on the phone if you had a car & license and you said 'yes' "
"I'm having lessons. I'll have it soon." "When ? When are you going for your test ?" "Soon"
"Have you set a date"
"No date. Soon."
"Give us a call when you actually get your license. Good-bye. I'll show you out."

Or this, "Could I just have your resume and references please?"
"I don't have a resume"
"But I asked you on the phone if you had a resume and you said 'yes' ".
"I haven't worked before ....".

You get the picture by now I'm sure.

Hint for jobseekers (8)- Don't pretend to have qualifications that you don't actually have. ****
In the 21st Century, applying for a job without a resume is a waste of time. You will not be accepted. Whether you think it is fair or not to have your life story reduced to a few lines on a page is completely irrelevant. With large numbers of applicants competing for small numbers of vacancies, an employer has no choice but to filter out many applicants in the most efficient way possible.

When an applicant hands over their resume to me, I go to an adjoining room to read it over while they fill out the application form.

The first thing I look for is the authenticity of the references. Sometimes references are handwritten, and it has happened on occasion that I begin to suspect they are all written by the same person. Similar handwriting, similar paper, similar format, similar spelling mistakes, sentence construction & grammar.

Most resume templates have a space for "Career Objectives". I received a resume today from a gentleman whose objective was "To make use of extensive experience in stores, logistics and warehouse operations ....". Well that's all very admirable, but not much use for housework. Not until people start buying forklifts to tidy up the house. Jobseekers should try making just a little bit of effort to customise their career objectives to fit the job they are applying for. Employers only care about your ambitions if they contribute to their own.

While I initially assume that all jobs listed in the resume are genuine, I am not impressed by people who have four, five or six pages full of jobs they have done in the past few years. I think our record here is a 12 page resume. It was spectacular & impressive, but the person didn't get the job because it was quite obvious they were a job-hopper. They kept moving their place of residence and frequently went on big holidays. So why would I hire someone who clearly isn't interested in staying in a job for any length of time ?

Hint for jobseekers (9) - Don't proudly announce in your resume that you can't hold a job. Don't fake references. ****
Of the few people who manage to make it all the way through an interview at our cleaning agency, some still find further ways to stumble. Within a day or two, successful applicants are given their first cleaning assignment. A small percentage will accept the job, ring the client to confirm they will be coming and then on the day, simply not show up. They then refuse to answer their phones for several days.

To this day I wonder why some applicants go through the whole process - and I acknowledge that applying for a job is not the easiest thing in the world - only to give up & disappear just as the money is about to start rolling in.

How To Make Money Selling Domain Names

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Is Refinancing a Good Idea Right Now?

Is Refinancing a Good Idea Right Now?

By Barrett Niehus

Rates on mortgages are lower than they have been in forty years. This provides a huge opportunity for new and existing home owners, but also carries risks that can have a substantial impact your ability to pay in the future. Mortgage lenders are inundated with work, and it was recently reported on national news that if you can breath, you can get a mortgage. This phrase should at the very least frighten the average mortgage customer. It indicates that not only are the mortgage companies finding new ways to make money off of their huge list of clients, but they are also circumventing the risk analysis that avoids putting high risk customers into immediate credit trouble.

The opportunity is immense. For many home owners, monthly mortgage payments can be reduced by ten to fifteen percent through a refinance. For new home owners, they can afford to pay ten to fifteen percent more because of resulting low monthly payments. The benefits are substantial and if addressed properly, the risks can be avoided.

The risk of course is choosing a form of financing with inherent uncertainties and putting your long term financial situation at risk. One of the most popular mortgage products available today are variable (floating) rate mortgages. The mortgage rate varies with the current Treasury rate until it is locked in at a set amount above the future treasury rate three to five years after the date of origination. Many mortgage customers are fond of this type of funding because it allows them to enjoy a very low rate for the next three or five years. Unfortunately, the risk involved with this type of loan is huge, and can have substantial impact on the customers ability to pay.

Given that rates are at a forty year low, it is very probable that interest rates will climb substantially within the next three years. Although most of these variable rate mortgages have interest rate caps where the lock in rate will not exceed twelve percent, the impact of a rate increase during a lock-in period can be substantial. To provide an example, suppose you have a $200,000 variable rate mortgage with a 5.5% interest rate. When you first originate the loan, your monthly payment will be $1,135. If interest rates increase to 12% by the time of your lock in period, your payments will increase to $2055 per month; where they will remain for the life of the mortgage. For many home owners this type of increase will quickly lead to default, eviction, and bankruptcy.

Keep in mind that mortgage lenders are sales people, and mortgage brokers are essentially selling you a product. They make money when they sell you a mortgage. With the current emphasis on low finance rates, they are inundated with business, and are more focused with getting the loan closed than with evaluating your future ability to pay. As sales people, they have been given a number of products to sell, and because of the current frenzy, have been given substantial leeway from the banks. Therefore, they can forgo many of the risk analyses that were necessary during leaner banking times and sell whatever mortgage product is available.

With mortgage brokers trying to fund all of the business that they are given, and with mortgage products that carry high uncertainties, the risk associated with purchasing or refinancing is higher than ever. If refinancing or funding a new mortgage is the best financial decision for your specific situation, be aware of the risks, quantify the benefits, and realize that your mortgage lender has a vested interest in closing the deal.

How to Qualify a Buyer

How to Qualify a Buyer

Does your customer or client need to be pre-qualified? I am a licensed Real Estate broker and Loan officer and here is how I did it before becoming a loan officer. No matter the state; math is still math. However, an agent can only pre-qualify a person to an extent. That credit report is a BIG must. The best thing to do is refer the buyer to a lender. If you are lucky you have an in house lender. Bless your heart.
I have found that a typical person can qualify for a home that is approximately 2 1/2 times their yearly income before taxes (include spouses yearly gross income if any).
Depending on the debt to income Ratio's of 28% or 36% and some Refinances of 45 % along with the amount of the down payment and the amount of the property you are buying or refinancing, will be the determining factor in your ability to purchase. (not to mention credit reports) you should have a beacon score of at least 675 to even qualify for a sub prime loan. Obviously higher is better. unless were talking about a different kind of scoring system, (which is a whole other article).
Qualifying ratios are:
28%= total monthly debts
36%= living expenses + long term debts.
A prudent agent will Pre-qualify a prospective buyer as soon as possible and even before showing that possible buyer properties. Any agent that does not get a pre-qual may find out later that they have not acted in the best interest of the buyer or the seller.
Now past all that. The agent has two things that he may choose from.
1. Get the financial information from the buyer them selves to do the appropriate income/expense analysis. Minus the Credit Report. (which is never a good thing)
2. Refer the buyer to a lender.
The last solution is always the best. It can help to speed up the loan process, also it can help you better decide on what contingencies to present an offer to the seller and what properties the buyer should be looking at.
Another benefit to Pre-Qualifying, is that you can weed out the serious buyers from the casual lookers. although you should be nice to the casual lookers and handle them with care, , they could come back later as pre-qualified buyers. but until then do not waste al lot of your time on them.
A good way to handle this is to talk to them about what they would like, ask how interested they are and tell them that your office likes to have pre-quals before you show properties. On the other hand, if they insist, try to schedule a time that you are the least busiest to show them a property.
You may say, "Yeah but they will go some where else, and someone else, will show it to them."
True. And if they still are not pre qualified then someone else can waste their time and you can concentrate on the real buyers.
I have had both instances happen to me. Not withstanding the fact that I have learned, quantity of time spent with a person does not reap as many benefits as the quality of time spent with the right people. And saving time by not wasting it allows for more time with real customers with real money.
You can still be nice polite and give courtesy to everyone, You just have to require the same policy for everyone.

Thanks for reading. I hope the articles I write help all who read them and make a decision as to whether they like them or not. Most of all I hope it helps you to make up your mind as to the direction you need to go.

Mortgage Chattanooga

Are you a resident of Chattanooga searching for a mortgage? Finding the perfect home loan used to be a daunting task. There are so many options like fixed rates, adjustable rates, interest only, balloon payments and many more. With the power of the internet searching for a loan is a simple task. There are many ways to apply for a loan such as contacting a local mortgage broker, meeting with your bank or applying online.

Contacting a local Chattanooga mortgage broker can be time consuming. You have to first locate possible brokers and contact them one by one. Sometimes it can be a pain to get a hold of them and then follow up with a quote. Meeting with your bank is a better option because you can sit down for a meeting and they will tailor a mortgage specific to your needs. When dealing with a bank, are you sure you're getting the best deal? Do you really want to go from bank to bank meeting with the lenders and selecting the best mortgage deal?

Unless you have nothing better to do, I'm guessing that answer is no. That's where the internet comes into play. You can simply visit a website or 2 and fill out an application in about one minute. Then all you have to do is wait for lenders to contact you and they will compete for your business. That's right, turn the tables on them and make them compete for you mortgage loan. Lenders want your business and they will go to great lengths to get it. If you submit an application online, you may get a call from say 4 mortgage lenders the next day. Armed with that information you can quickly and easily compare which lender is offering the best deal and move forward with them. Or what if you really like you local mortgage Chattanooga broker and want to stay local? You can simply make an online application to confirm that your local broker is not taking you for a ride. What if your local broker quoted you 7.7% APR and you thought that was a great deal, until you applied online a realized lender B was offering 5.7% for the same terms. That 2% difference can save you thousands of dollars in future interest payments. That's quite a bit of savings for taking 5 minutes to apply online to verify your getting the best deal.

Not sure where to apply online? Start with The Loan House. They offer a quick and easy application and you will be contacted by the nations top mortgage lenders with competitive quotes.

Do You Need Bad Credit Help

Do you need bad credit help? Are you one of thousands with no
credit and no collateral to help secure approval, or you just
have extremely bad credit and no one wants to help you, and all
you hear is stories and more stories?

Bad credit is a term used to describe a poor credit rating.
Common practices that can damage a credit rating include making
late payments, skipping payments, exceeding card limits or
declaring bankruptcy. Bad Credit can result in being denied

Bad credit can result in a negative rating from the credit
reporting agencies. Many factors can contribute to someone
getting a "bad credit" rating, among these are non-payment of an
account or late payments over an extended length of time.
Whether non-payment of an account is willful or due to financial
hardship, the result can be the same, a negative rating which
will result in a low credit score. However, lenders are more
willing to work with individuals if the person contacts the
lender to let them know they are having problems meeting their
commitment to pay. 100% Online Debt Relief! No Phone Calls! You
must have at least $2,500 of total debt over two or more
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A credit score is defined as a statistical method of assessing
an applicant's credit worthiness. An applicant's credit card
history; amount of outstanding debt; the type of credit used;
negative information such as bankruptcies or late payments;
collection accounts and judgments; too little credit history,
and too many credit lines with the maximum amount borrowed are
all included in credit-scoring models to determine the credit

Raising your credit score is possible. It's a well known fact
that lenders will give people with higher credit scores lower
interest rates on mortgages, car loans and credit cards. If your
credit score falls under 620 just getting loans and credit cards
with reasonable terms is difficult.

Here are five things that you can use to raise credit score.

1. Correct obvious mistakes.

Your credit score is what shows up in your credit report. Review
your reports from all three credit bureaus for accuracy once a
year as well as several months before applying for a loan.
Changing a mistake on your report can take 30 days to three
months, or more. Get Your credit report from the three major
bureaus: Experian, Trans Union and Equifax.

2. Pay Your Bills On Time

Your payment history makes up 35% of your total credit score.
Your recent payment history will carry much more weight than
what happened five years ago.

Missing just one payment on anything can knock 50 to 100 points
off of your credit score.

Paying your bills on time is the best way to get started
rebuilding your credit rating and raising your credit score.

3. Reduce your credit card balances.

A heavily weighted factor in your FICO score is how much money
you owe on your credit cards relative to your total credit
limit. Generally, it's good to keep your balances at or below 25
percent of your credit card limit, said Jeanne Kelly, founder of
The Kelly Group in Brookfield, Conn., which helps clients
improve their credit scores.

4. Dont Close Old Accounts

In the past people were told to close old accounts they werent
using. But with today's current scoring methods that could
actually hurt your credit score.

Closing old or paid off credit accounts lowers the total credit
available to you and makes any balances you have appear larger
in credit score calculations. Closing your oldest accounts can
actually shorten the length of your credit history and to a
lender it makes you less credit worthy.

If you are trying to minimize identity theft and it's worth the
peace of mind for you to close your old or paid off accounts,
the good news is it will only lower you score a minimal amount.
But just by keeping those old accounts open you can raise credit
score for you.

5. Avoid Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is the single worst thing you can do to your credit
score. Bankruptcy will lower your credit score by 200 points or
more and is very difficult to come back from.

Once your credit score falls below 620, any loan you get will be
far more expensive. A bankruptcy on your credit record is
reported for up to 10 years.

The reality of a bankruptcy is it will limit you to
high-interest lenders that will squeeze out high interest rate
payments from you for years.

It is better to get credit counseling to help you with your
bills and avoid bankruptcy at all costs. By getting credit
counseling instead of declaring bankruptcy you can raise credit
score over a much shorter period of time.

The Ultimate Short Sale Secret

Buying foreclosures can be extremely profitable for real estate investors. However, most of these homeowners are mortgaged to the hilt. They have no equity, and big loan payments. In fact, many actually owe more than the property is worth!

Most investors will walk away from these deals because they see no obvious profit. However, you can create your own equity by negotiating a Short Sale with the bank or lender.

Why Short Sales Don't Work

However, even experienced investors fail to create successful short sales, because they do not know the most important secret of all when doing short sales. Without this secret, an investor with the greatest negotiating skill will fail. Without this secret an investor armed will all the right paperwork with fail. And without this secret, even an investor with an air-tight case of low value including repair estimates, etc. will fail.

It's not that negotiating, paperwork, and a convincing case are not important. It's just that you've overlooked, the most important element that lenders use to determine what they will take for a property in default. It is therefore

The Ultimate Short Sale Secret

Ok, I won't keep you in suspense. Here's the secret: In order to get big discounts from a lender on a property facing foreclosure, you must control the Broker's Price Opinion. (BPO).

What is a BPO? In short, it is a value appraisal. When a short sale package is submitted to the bank, they send out a real estate agent or Broker to the property to judge its value.
The broker or agent handling the BPO is working with the bank. Their job is to simply visit the property and give their opinion on its value as is.

And here's the key: it's a broker's price OPINION! And since opinions are subject, you have the ability to Influence that opinion. Learn how to do that and you can create $10,000's in your bank account with little effort.

Step 1: Do Your Own Research

Before you're ready to influence the BPO, you'll have to start out with doing your own research and preparing your short sale package effectively. What should you include?

By this time, you should have already done a walk-through of the property. If you have not done so already, inspect the property (preferably with a home inspector or real estate broker of your own) and gather the following:

Photographs of the inside and outside of the property. This should include room-by-room pictures, cracks in the ceiling, other states of disrepair, you get the picture.

A list of repairs that are needed, from normal wear-and-tear to major improvements. Get an estimate for these repairs - try for the highest bid you can obtain!

Information on the neighborhood, local economy, and other local factors that can lower the value of the home. Offer specific negative information about the property. This can include local newspaper articles or information from the Vital Statistics office in your state. (You should be able to access these from a local library.)

Information about the family. Remember, the Brokers and Loss Mitigators are people, too. Photographs of the family, information about their hopes, and concrete evidence of how this short sale will help them move on with their lives...

Now you're ready to make an offer. Submit the paperwork with your offer in writing by fax to the loss mitigator with whom you are working.

Now, follow up with the loss mitigator. Make sure that they have received all your paperwork and offer. This is extremely important. It sometimes seems that lenders have a special fax machine design to eat your paperwork. If they haven't received it, fax them again, immediately.

Step 2: Influence the Broker's Price Opinion

When you are on the phone with the loss mitigator, mention that the BPO agent is to contact you, before going to the property, because you are the only one who has the key and can let them in. Follow this up with a fax, so they have your contact info in their file. If the BPO agent goes out there without you - you're sunk.

If possible, take the package you have prepared for the short sale and bring it with you to the property to meet the first agent performing the BPO. The goal here is to make sure that the agent sees it through your perspective. Remember - in the real estate world, agents typically try to get the best appraisal values possible, because they have a cut of the action. Most homeowners trying to purchase a home need top value in order to qualify for the loan.

With a short sale, however, the agent is simply doing a job, not necessarily assessing the value of a property they are getting a commission from. Sometimes the first BPO is simply based on a drive-by, which basically means that they're looking to see if the property is still occupied and they want to make sure that the broker's price opinion is still line with what they believe the value of the home is.

If possible, do the walk-through with the agent and point out flaws and repairs. Be assertive, but don't annoy them.

This agent is experienced and does this kind of work for a living. Usually, agents and appraisers are asked to value properties at the high end of the scale. It is unusual to ask for low numbers, so it is important that you meet the agent at the property. Plead your case and ask for the lowest BPO possible.

Step 3: What to do if the BPO is too "high"

If the bank rejects your short sale because of the BPO, you're going to have to challenge it. If the BPO agent did a drive by and did not call you, you can build a case that the lender did not get a true value because of the serious damage within the house itself. If you have photos, now is the time to send them along with your rebuttal.

If you believe the comps are inaccurate, make sure you have your own to support your case. The info should be pulled from an accepted database.

Request a second opinion. Remember - don't haggle or ask to speak with a supervisor. You don't want to get your file 86'ed by loss mitigation because you are overly aggressive. They're in control during this part of the game. All of your negotiations should be in writing and done by fax, unless they tell you otherwise.

The purpose of your next conversation is to make the bank question the first BPO. Banks
are not in the business of losing money, and an incorrect BPO can come back to haunt
them. It's your job to convince them to sell lower without sounding like you're trying to
steal the property from them.

Many banks will tell you that a second BPO is too expensive. Most BPO's only cost
around $75.00, but the cost can be as high as 700.00 for an FHA or VA loan. Tell them
that you'll pay the expenses and meet the agent at the property. You want to be listed as
the contact person.

Get a second opinion. Meet the new agent at the property and plead your case, using any additional research you've pulled up as well as the other materials your previously presented. It helps is this agent is local and familiar with the property values in the area.
Take all of your paperwork and give it to the loss mitigators and agent.
Sell your case. There should be a difference in the BPO's and you can now tell them that the price is simply too high.
Use the sympathy factor - Everyone in foreclosure has a sad story to tell. Make sure the BPO agent knows their story. And tell them, that you're trying to buy the property as an investor to help out the homeowner and save them from foreclosure, but you need the value to come in at or near (the price you need).

Remember to emphasize anything detrimental to the home value. If the house is ugly, you can tell them that the inside of the house looks just as bad as the outside. An interior BPO is the only way to reflect the true value of the property. It's important that you stress the value of the interior inspection and do what it takes to make sure the bank agrees to it.

Step 4: Close the Deal

Sometimes the second BPO will be drastically different and the bank will agree to negotiate down. You will still have to go back and forth, until you guess the lowest amount the bank will actually accept. If that meets your requirements - Congratulations.

However, if after a second BPO, the bank won't budge, it may be time pass and move on to the next deal. 30% of BPO's simply don't go through because of refusals to negotiate on the lender's end. That leaves you with 70% success with your other short sale properties. If you have presented all of your price factors and they still disagree with your offer, then it may be time to move on.

In fact, it may be for the best.

With mortgage fraud and refinancing, many foreclosed properties are leveraged at 125%. It's best to make sure that the property has at least $20,000 in standing equity. If you need help in deciding what price to accept, check out our Deal Evaluation Tool at

The next article will help you make the most out of your profit, by teaching you the best exit strategies when it comes to cashing out of preforeclosures.

About the author:
Go to www.InvestorWealth.comfor these Real Estate Profit Secrets:
* Super Success Short Sale Secrets (*Best Course)

* Deal Evaluation Tool

* Free Teleseminars on the latest and most effective real estate profit techniques

3 Top Real Estate Investing Methods for Maximum Wealth Steve Majors3 Top Real Estate Investing Methods for Maximum Wealth
(by Steve Majors - The Lazy Investor)


Real Estate investing can be used to gain wealth in three major ways

1. Long-term Real Estate investing is most often utilized using appreciation as a planning tool.

Historically, Real Estate has doubled in value every 11 years (6% per year on average over the period).

Of course, not all areas have seen that much appreciation, while others (like sections of California and Nevada) have seen double or triple that rate, but overall, a 7-11 year cycle of doubling value has been the rule.

So, a house worth $100,000 today will be worth $200,000 after 11 years (on average).

The best part about this plan (when it comes true) is that the debt on the house after 11 years will be less than the original $100,000 (because payments were made for all that time), while the property is worth $200,000.

The difference makes a great retirement nest egg.

2. Instant cash is available in many types of Real Estate investing transactions where money is made within days or weeks (sometimes hours, and even minutes!) of the purchase.

These transactions are often referred to generically as flips (a more detailed description of these transactions is given below).

When the money made from these transactions is used to reinvest in other ventures, the return rate highly exceeds any other method of Real Estate investing. The reason for this is that, on a property valued at $100,000, the purchase price is often 10-50% less.

With an example of 15%, the purchase price will be $85,000. Selling the property at a discount to another buyer for $95,000 will net well over $5,000 (after closing costs and all expenses).

The $5,000 used as investment money for another transaction will yield an additional discount on that property, and when you continue to roll the money made from such real estate investing activities, you eventually lead to full cash purchases, which is usually what is needed to acquire most 30% or more discounts from sellers.

This method of Real Estate investing (buying low, selling high and re-investing) yields extreme wealth plus, the first property could have been done as a no money down transaction!

Extreme wealth from nothing where else can you find this except in Real Estate investing?

3. Cash flow properties are often used in cooperation with appreciation (one of the biggest benefits of Real Estate investing), however, is listed here as a separate system because many investors do not count appreciation into their calculations when purchasing a property.

Cash flow properties are those with some monthly income that is, the difference between what is paid in and what is paid out. Traditionally, these are rental properties, and bring in a constant flow of cash for the investor.

Sadly, many investors use this cash for their living expenses and never grow the wealth they could by simply reinvesting this money into another property.

Although slower than other techniques, this method of Real Estate investing can yield a very high rate of return for the careful investor.

Selling Your Home What Can Go Wrong With Title and Lenders

If you're selling your home, there are going to be difficulties at some point in the transaction. Some problems cant be fixed. Its important to figure out whether yours are fixable or not. Then you can either fix them or move on and find another buyer. If its priced appropriately, theres a buyer out there for virtually every property.

Title Problems

You get a call from the person searching the title to your property saying your first cousin once removed is shown as having a ten percent interest in the property. I hope you (and not just your lender) have title insurance.

If you dont, perhaps your cousin will sign a quit claim deed (or whatever similar term your jurisdiction uses) if her father was paid for his interest long ago, but nothing was recorded to that effect with the land records. If that doesnt work, perhaps your cousin will agree to join in the sale and receive ten percent of the proceeds.

Failing that, youre probably looking at a court proceeding. The sale will fall apart, and youll have to start all over again once the problem of legal ownership has been resolved. Bummer. Before you put a property on the market, make sure your title is clear.

Lender Objections

Lenders can really punch holes in a home sale. Lets look at a few examples.

Example One

The lender calls and says your garden shed is encroaching on your neighbors property, while their fence is on yours. The lender wont fund the buyers loan until everything is moved to where it belongs. Typically, the lender isnt going to back down. What are your options?

If you get along with your neighbor and can do the work yourself (or can afford to have it done), the problem can be quickly cured. I once saw a very creative resolution to this problem. The shed was on a utility right-of-way. The seller got the county to write a letter to the lender saying that if a shed werent on a poured foundation (it wasnt) and could be moved on notice, then it wasnt considered an encroachment until/unless such a notice was sent.

Example Two

The lender says your property will appraise for the amount needed for the loan so long as the following repairs are made. The list of repairs upsets you. Time to take a deep breath and think. How can you get them taken care of before settlement? Can you do them? Have them done? Would the buyer be willing to help out? Is this a deal to walk away from? Regardless of the answer, the key is to make a logical decision not an emotional one.

Example Three

The lenders appraiser comes in with an appraisal that is below your agreed sales price. The lender is willing to lend based on the appraisal, not the previously agreed price.

There are several options for fixing this problem.

1. You can reduce your price to the appraisal price.
2. If the buyer wants your property enough and has enough money, he can pay a larger down payment and leave the purchase price the same.
3. The two of you can split the difference; you come down some, and he increases his down payment some.
4. Or, sadly, the deal can fall apart over this issue.

The real key to successfully dealing with problems is to stay calm, open minded, flexible, bottom line oriented, and think win/win. Most of the problems that occur do have solutions. We just need to look for them persistently.

Ten Ways Of Financing Real Estate

Do you remember when real estate financing meant you saved up enough to put 20% down on a house, and then you got a mortgage loan for the other 80%? Well, you can still do that, but there are many more options now. Here are ten of them.

1. Gifting programs. In some parts of the country, builders fund foundations that give you a portion of the downpayment, so you can get into a home with as little as 3% downpayment from your own pocket. FHA and other lenders have so far approved of or allowed this.

2. No-doc loans. These and "low-doc" loans, meaning no or low documentation requirements, are back, and you can find them through online banks. These are for those of you with bad credit but 20% to 30% to put down on a home. You don't even have to have a job.

3. FHA loans. The Farm Home Administration doesn't actually loan the money, but guarantees your loan for the bank, so they can loan up to 97% of the purchase price, depending on the particular FHA program.

4. VA loans. If you have been in the armed services, have a decent job, and can save two or three paychecks, you can probably get a home with a VA loan.

5. Land contract. Also called "contract for sale" and other names depending on the part of the country you are in, this just means that you make payments to the seller instead of a bank. It's up to you and them to negotiate downpayment amount, interest rate, and the term of the loan.

6. Seller-carried second mortgages. Some banks will allow you to have as little as 5% into a home purchase, but will then only loan you 80%. The seller can take payments on a second mortgage from you for the other 15%.

7. State housing programs. Almost all states have some sort of financing help in the form of a loan-guarantee program or outright loans for low-income buyers.

8. Family loans. It may not be out of charity that a brother or a friend lends you the money to buy a home. A 7% return might look awfully good if their money is sitting in the bank at 2%.

9. Manufacturer loans. Some manufactured-home companies are arranging financing with 5% or less down for their buyers. They must feel their money is secure, since a good modular on a piece of property is nothing like a mobile home on a rental lot.

10. Credit cards. This is a risky one, but if you have a low-interest credit card, you can use it to come up with the downpayment, especially if you can pay it off soon with a coming tax refund, for example. Banks generally won't allow this, but you can combine this with seller financing.

Are there more ways to approach real estate financing? You bet. This was just to get you thinking.

About the author:
Steve Gillman has invested in real estate for years. To learn more, and to see a photo of a beautiful house he and his wife bought for $17,500
financeN HynesFinding an auto loan online is easy regardless of you credit score. By simply completing a simple one page application hundreds of online lenders who will compete for your loan business. There are certain guidelines you should follow which could help you save money on a car loan even with poor credit. Careful planning, comparison shopping and persistence are necessary to find the best deals.

Firstly you need know how much you can afford to spend on monthly car payments. Use one of the many online loan calculators to help you with this. Then it's just a matter of shopping around to get the best interest rate. The internet has made it easy to shop around and compare rates because you can compare rates with hundreds of lenders from one site. You can compare traditional lender such as banks, credit unions, etc. The lower the interest rate the more you will have available to spend on your car. You will also have to decide the term of the loan.

If you have fair to good credit you should have no problem getting approved. If you have bad credit you can find lender who will work with people with poor credit. The downside is the loan will cost you more as poor credit means greater risk for the lender and therefore a higher interest rate to you.

Most car dealerships are also happy to arrange finance for you. First, you choose the vehicle you want, test drive it and make the decision to buy it. The majority of car dealerships are honest and will gladly help you find the best rate of interest and save money on a car loan. However be sure to check out the online lenders first the be sure you are getting the best deal from your auto dealer.

How To Turn Disadvantages Of A Reverse Mortgage To Your Advantage

When it comes to a reverse mortgage, wise consumers weigh the advantages and disadvantages prior to signing on the dotted line.

Lets start on a positive note, you could do what most borrowers do and opt for the reverse mortgage line of credit. Just think about how you would then be able to draw on the loan whenever money is required for daily living expenses, medical bills, prescription costs, home repairs, etc. This could really enhance your retirement years including in-home care expenses in later years.

Furthermore, your new found income does not affect regular Social Security payments or Medicare benefits. And lenders cannot foreclose on the loan for the life of the borrower.

Okay, thats all well and good but how do you turn the major disadvantages of a reverse mortgage into a positive one? Its all in the perspective. For every negative there is a positive to obtaining this loan.

Its true a reverse mortgage loan may affect your eligibility for state and federal government assistance programs such as Medicaid but it also gives you an important financial cushion and does not (as mentioned above) affect your regular Social Security payments or Medicare benefits.

You also have no monthly payments to make. Granted, the amount you owe continues to grow larger over time but you also have more cash on hand to enhance the quality of your current lifestyle. Look at it this way, you will now have all the money you need (and want). After all, its your money. True, you wont have the full selling price of your home to leave your loved ones but if theyre financially sound in their own right, do they really need a substantial inheritance?

Furthermore with the new found cash, you could re-invest into other income-generating streams such as stock and option trading. But that would be another story with its own pros and cons.

It all comes down to whats important to you, what your current financial needs are and if leaving money to heirs is something you feel you need or want to do.

To take a look at the basics of a reverse mortgage tips and info